AGM 2020 – Thurs 10th Dec 2020, 8pm

Please register now to help things run as smoothly as possible on Thursday
Click to Register on Eventbrite. (The meeting will open at 7:45 to allow people to connect).

Guest Speakers Laura Duggan, Cleft Co-Ordinator Dublin Cleft Centre,
and Dr Triona Sweeney, Director & Founder of Speech at Home

The formal AGM will take place between 8:00 to 8:15

Update from the committee 8:15 

  • Bottles & BREXIT
  • Future Zoom events
  • Family Day 2021
  • Work Plan 2021
  • Questions

Guest Speakers  8:30

Meeting End 9:00 

Click to Register on Eventbrite

World Smile Day, 2nd October


Rugby star Ian Madigan, troche CLAPAI representative Sean Haughey, Professor Triona Sweeney and Anne McGillivary from the Cleft team at Temple Street

Operation Smile and the Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland are partnering to celebrate World Smile Day 2015 on Friday, 2nd October. We will be running several bucket collections around the country.

The confirmed Collection Points for October are… Continue reading

Grafton Street Bucket Collection, 16/17 May

Volunteers Needed! Read on…

It has been a very busy time for the Association since the fire that destroyed our entire stock of support material in Store-It . We would like to extend a BIG ‘Thank You’ to so many for the support, encouragement and donations made to date.

We are making progress on both the fundraising score and the preliminary work regarding ordering more materials.

On that note, we have two days bucket collecting planned for Grafton Street and in that regard we need help.


Grafton Street Bucket Collection Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th May.
Working in two hour shifts we need 90+ volunteers
10am to Noon
Noon to 2pm
2pm to 4pm

If you or friends can help can you please email or text 087 1319803 or leave a message on our Facebook page.

RTÉ Liveline Interview, 5th May 2015

Our Chair, Georgina Wade, was interviewed by Damien O’Reilly (standing in for Joe Duffy) on the Liveline Show on RTÉ Radio One on Tuesday, 5th May.  George spoke about the recent fire at the storage facility in Ballymount and the consequences for the Association and those we serve. She also spoke about the wider work of the Association and cleft lip and palate. George was followed briefly by Vicky who spoke highly of the support she has received from the Association.

We must extend our sincere thanks to RTÉ and the Liveline Programme for the coverage they afforded the Association in its time of need and the time given to us to speak about cleft lip and palate and the role of the Association in supporting parents and those born with the condition. You can listen to the interview here:

The Interview on the RTÉ website.

Family Activity Day, 20th June 2015

Family Day 2014, <a href=

site Lough Ennell” width=”300″ height=”198″ /> Family Day 2014, sick Lough Ennell

Event: Family Activity Day

When: Saturday 20th June 2015 from 10:00am to 4:00pm

Location: Lilliput, unhealthy Lough Ennell, Co. Westmeath.

The Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland is delighted to announce a return this year to Lilliput Adventure Centre, located just 10 minutes drive time from Mullingar (GPS Lat 53.445714 Long -7.4351689). Continue reading

Speech Therapy Research Appeal

We are appealing to families to raise or donate €100 to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland (CLAPAI)  so that together in 2015 we can fund the next phase of important Speech Therapy Research.

Why Speech Therapy? On average, treat 140 babies per year are born in Ireland with a cleft. Over half will have speech problems because they are unable to make sounds in the normal way. Speech therapy is a proven method of enabling children to make the sounds they find difficult. Continue reading

Disaster Strikes… We Now Need Your Help!

Disaster struck the Association today when the the storage unit in Ballymount where we have all our maternity packs, leaflets, bottles and family day stuff was destroyed by fire… the cost and time it will take to replace our stock  is frightening.

We have to quickly raise funds to reprint and replace the lot so we can keep maternity hospitals stocked and parents supplied… please, please contribute if you can and help us replenish our stock.

To help, visit our  Donate page and contribute if you can, what you can. No sum is too small. And Thank You.

[Update, 1st May] Read about the Association’s loss in

Darran Brennan’s Running Year

Darran Brennan

Darran Brennan

Congratulations to committee member Darran Brennan who was published on the front page of Finn Valley Voice recently (Vol. 6 Issue 80, 18th February 2015). Darran talks about being born with cleft, self- confidence, and becoming a trustee for CLAPAI. A very good day for CLAPAI.

Read Opinion Piece, Darran Brennan (pdf).

Furthermore, Darran Brennan’s Running Year can be sponsored on

Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon – Open for Entries

Vhi Women’s Mini MarathonThe 2015 Women’s Mini Marathon is now open for entries. For all those wonderful women entering to raise funds for CLAPAI, contact for sponsorship cards.

Closing date for entries: 17th April.

We also have a facility to incorporate sponsorship on MYCHARITY.IE . We are aiming to raise €30,000 this year for Speech Therapy Research. If you wish to either raise funds or donate please don’t hesitate to contact

Information Evening and AGM, 27th November

When: Thursday 27th November at 8.00pm
(Doors open from 7:30pm)
Venue: Lucan Spa Hotel, order Lucan, ed Co. Dublin
Junction 4A, N4 Westbound (see map below)

The Information Evening Theme is “Speech Therapy for Children affected by Cleft“.
We are delighted to have eminent speaker Dr. Triona Sweeney , Adjunct Professor and Cleft Research Speech & Language Therapist.

Previous Information Evening Audience

Previous Information Evening Audience

Continue reading