We are now making available our posts as podcasts, courtesy of the Odiogo service. So now you can LISTEN rather than read, should you like!
AND by subscribing to our podcast you can download new posts in mp3 format to your iTunes or Juice player and listen to them as and when you want.
OR, if you prefer, select the ‘listen now’ Â button and listen in situ!
How to subscribe… | RSS Podcast Feed |
What is a Podcast?
A podcast is an audio file that is distributed by subscription over the Internet. It may be listened to on a portable device such as Apple’s iPod or other MP3 readers, or on your computer.
How is the audio created?
Odiogo uses automated text-to-speech software to convert the text to audio format, and we think it does quite a good job of it!
Are podcasts of older posts available?
Podcasts are available for posts published since 30 June 2007. The player may be in place on older posts, but you will likely get a “Sorry, this article is not available yet” message.
What about pages (as opposed to posts)?
Unfortunately pages are not currently available in audio format. Audio content was more widely available on our website before we had to upgrade a number of months ago; we may again make page content available in audio format, resources and time permitting.

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