Venue:Â Red Cow Moran Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin 22.
22q is a very rare condition that amongst other symptoms involves cleft palate. This conference on Saturday 22nd October is an opportunity to meet other families, healthcare professionals and experts and admission is free.
09:30 a.m. Dr Alex Habel, Consultant Pediatrician to the North Thames Regional Cleft Unit based at Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust, London.
10:10 a.m. Dr Debbie Sell, Head of Speech and Language Therapy Dept, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London.
10:50 a.m. Prof Kieran Murphy, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Structural & Functional Neuroimaging Research Update.
11:10 a.m. Dr Erik O’Hanlon, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland & Anne Lawlor, 22q11 Ireland on Research Findings – Making Sense of Behaviour.
11:30 a.m. Dr Paddy Power, Consultant Psychiatrist St Patrick’s Hospital is a specialist in the assessment and management of emerging psychotic symptoms/signs & is developing a detection and monitoring service at St Patrick’s Hospital & runs the young adult programme.  He will present on the developing service and access to the service.
11:50a.m. Larry Deignan, VCFS International Conference 2013 Update.
12:15 p.m. Question & Answer Session.
01:00 p.m. LUNCH.
02:00 p.m. Triona Sweeney, The Children’s University Hospital Temple Street.
02:15 p.m. Dr. Beth Parke – TBC.
03:15 p.m. Amy Ellis – Living with 22q11.
03:30 p.m. Any Other Business.
Professional Child Care will be available!
Please email us to book your place at this event:Â Â
22q11 Ireland – Proud Host to VCFS Educational Foundation International Conference 2013.

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