Donations Sub-Sections: – Charity Tax Relief |
You can help the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland reclaim money from the Revenue Commissioners at no extra cost to you!
How does charity tax relief work?
If you are a PAYE only tax payer, and €250 or more to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland in the course of a tax year, the Association can reclaim the tax paid on your donations. This only applies to personal donations you have made and not to money raised through sponsorship.
What do you have to do?
Very little! The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland mails a tax relief form to all individual donors whose donations qualify for a tax reclaim. Simply complete the form and return it to the Association.
If you are self-assessed simply send your donation receipt with your annual tax return form as proof of payment, to the Revenue Commissioners.
If you are a company, treat your donation(s) as normal business expense, deductible at the appropriate rate of corporation tax.
What Donations Qualify for Relief?
The minimum donation in any single year that must be made to any one eligible charity must be of a value of €250.
Cash donations made in instalments (e.g. Standing Order) also qualify.
PAYE-ONLY Individual
(a) Individual on the standard rate of tax, i.e. 20%
Individual donates €250
Value of donation to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland = €312.50
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland is able to claim a repayment of €62.50 from Revenue at the end of the tax year.
(b) Individual on the standard rate of tax, i.e. 20%
Individual donates €500
Value of donation to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland = €625
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland is able to claim a repayment of €125 from Revenue at the end of the tax year.
(c) Individual on the higher rate of tax, i.e. 41%
Individual donates €250
Value of donation to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland = €423.73
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland is able to claim a repayment of €173.73 from Revenue at the end of the tax year.
(d) Individual on the higher rate of tax, i.e. 41%
Individual donates €500
Value of donation to the Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland = €847.46
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland is able to claim a repayment of €347.46 from Revenue at the end of the tax year.
The individual PAYE-only donor must complete an ‘Appropriate Certificate’ and forward it to the relevant eligible charity or approved body, as the case may be, to allow it to claim the grossed up amount of tax associated with the donation.
Self-Assessed Individual
Individual on the standard rate, i.e. 20%
Individual donates €500 and receives tax relief @ 20% (€100). Cost to the taxpayer is €400 and receipt by eligible charity or approved body is €500 – the self-assessed individual will simply claim a deduction for the donation on his/her tax return, there is no grossing up arrangement and therefore no repayment claim by the eligible charity or approved body arises.
Individual on the higher rate, i.e. 41%
Individual donates €500 and receives tax relief @ 41% (€205). Cost to the taxpayer is €295 and receipt by eligible charity or approved body is €500 – again there is no grossing up arrangement and therefore no repayment claim by the eligible charity or approved body arises.
Corporate Donations
In the case of Corporate donations, the company will claim a deduction for the donation as if it were a trading expense; again there is no grossing up arrangement in this case.
Company X donates €1,000 to an eligible charity or approved body. Assuming a corporation tax rate of 12.5%, relief to the company is €25, i.e. €1,000 @ 12.5%. While the eligible charity or approved body has the benefit of €1,000, the cost to the company of making the donation is only €875 (€1,000 – €125). The company will simply claim a deduction for the donation as if it were a trading expense, there is no grossing up arrangement and therefore no repayment claim by the eligible charity or approved body arises.
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